John, a 55-year-old executive, felt dead, baffled, lonely, and distressed. Questions swirled around in his opinion. How would he tell his family and close contacts that he had just been diagnosed with early stand prostate menace? The chain of trial primary to this central minute became strikingly sheer in his opinion.
A everyday exam with his family surgeon raised some suspicions as his PSA (prostate-exclusive antigen) gain had swiftly improved from a ordinary cherish of 3.5 to an abordinary one of 4.3.
Wasnt this still close to the ordinary cherishs for PSA? Why should I unease about such a small grow? he asked his surgeon. His surgeon replied that, while his PSA gain was somewhat prominent, zilch to four nanograms per millilitre (ng/ml) is the ordinary extent, it was the hasty incline in the PSA gain over 12 months that was the heart for his disturb. The family surgeon referred John to an urologist, who, after reviewing his instance, stoutly recommended that he undergo a transrectal ultrasound and a biopsy of the prostate.
Three weeks later, at the follow up visit, the urologist told John that although he had prostate cancer, the pathology report revealed a fairly low Gleason score of three. The Gleason number, the urologist explained, indicates how aggressive the cancer is. The higher the number (on a scale of one to 10), the more aggressive the cancer is. Moreover, although John had early stage prostate cancer, it had not developed outside the prostate or spread to the lymph nodes. 本文来自织梦
The urologist suggested to John that they wait and monitor the progress of the early stage cancer. If the cancer worsened, the urologist noted, they could discuss other treatment options including surgical removal of the prostate (radical prostatectomy), radiation therapy, or hormonal treatment. Despite his mixed feelings at the time, John was determined to help himself and start treating his early stage prostate cancer through specific natural supplements and dietary changes.
The Red Zone
Lycopene is the carotenoid primarily responsible for the red colouring we see in tomatoes and watermelons. Although it is recommended that regular consumption - at least three servings a week - of these lycopene-rich foods will lower the risk of developing prostate cancer, does the medical research support their use during active prostate cancer?