What is integrated health care?
With integrated health care, our health professionals collaborate to provide a range of treatments to enhance overall wellbeing. 本文来自织梦
Our health care team members from different medical fields share information on patient care and draw up a comprehensive treatment plan to address the biological, psychological and social needs of the patient. copyright dedecms
This coordinated care improves access to health services and quality of care, and reduces overall health care costs. People get the care they need when they need it, in a more convenient way, and with more support for emotional wellbeing as well as physical health.
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What is an integrated health care system?
Integrated health care systems – or integrated delivery systems – are partnerships of health service providers who plan and implement combined inpatient and outpatient health care services.
They create a more efficient and effective health care structure with a patient-centered focus that better meets people’s health care needs.
Our system is completely integrated clinically and operationally, with services delivered by a diverse group of health professionals, including physicians, nurses, and psychologists, depending on your needs. 内容来自dedecms
What are some examples of integrated health care systems?
One example of an integrated health care system in the U.S. is the Essential Hospitals setup. It focuses on integrated care to meet the complex needs of people with chronic illnesses or those who’re economically disadvantaged or non-English speakers.
Integrated care delivery is a critical tool in overcoming the challenges of these types of cases to provide safe, cost-efficient and better-quality care. The need for this was emphasized in the 2010 Affordable Care Act (ACA). 织梦好,好织梦
Another example of an integrated health care system is Women’s Integrated Health Care. We provide a range of gynecological services at several clinics across Michigan. These services include well-woman care, infertility treatment, vulvodynia treatment, ambulatory and inpatient gynecological surgery, and comprehensive obstetric care – from preconception counseling to delivery and postpartum treatments.
Why is women’s health care so important? copyright dedecms
The health of families and communities is tied to the health of women, who often provide the foundation for a family’s overall health. If they have access to quality health care, this can facilitate better health care for their children.
Another reason that women’s health care is so important is that in many societies women and girls face discrimination rooted in sociocultural factors. This can result in obstacles to attaining optimal health and is why female health is of particular concern worldwide. 织梦好,好织梦