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Fat Burning Furnace - Intense 15 Minute Fat Loss Workout Pro
Source: 未知 Author: net Published date: 2009-09-05

Fat Burning Furnace - Intense 15 Minute Fat Loss Workout Program!



How to Lose 26 Pounds in 7 Weeks!

The best fat loss workout program is Interval Training, it is an exercise technique that has been around for years but very few people know about. Interval Training is ideal for those who either have very little time to work out or for those who are in a rush to see fast results.

How does Interval Training Work?
Interval Training is a short yet intense type of workout that involves varying "speeds". Cardio overall has a constant speed where your heart rate is in one certain range for extended periods of time. While with Interval Training, at certain points within the workout you will slow down for just a few seconds and quickly get back up to speed. The purpose of this method is to get your metabolism functioning at it's peak and is actually 9 times more effective than a "constant speed" workout. Not only is Interval Training super effective, it also doesn't require much time to do. 内容来自dedecms

What Results Should I Expect?
While Interval Training workouts vary, the most effective system was created by Rob Poulos', author of "Fat Burning Furnace". Rob Poulos is a fitness expert and he has gained over 10,000 new clients from this single program alone. His customers have experienced a 25 pound weight loss in a matter of 7 weeks. As for the workouts, each session is just 15 minutes long and you do them 3 times per week. No complicated equipment is required and you can do them even while you are on the go.

Why Is Interval Training Better than Cardio?
Fans of Interval Training enjoy a fat loss workout program that can be done in just 15 minutes. They also enjoy the fact they do not experience joint or back pain since Interval Training is easy on the body. But perhaps the best aspect of Interval Training is that these workouts keep your metabolism burning fat for 3 full days! 织梦好,好织梦