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Pilates For Men Solves Fitness Problems
Source: 未知 Author: net Published date: 2009-09-05

It is not unusual for people to get the wrong impression when they hear the term Pilates exercises and think of ballet style poses and women in leotards. This misunderstanding is compounded when advised that the methods are not just for women. It is easily forgotten that Pilates techniques were created by a man initially for men only. If is was successful for them, is it not something that a man should consider as part of their fitness regime?


Whilst men and women should undertake regular exercise, men have different skeletal structures than women which include smaller pelvises and narrower hips. It is generally the case that men are hampered by a smaller range of motion due to these physical attributes which can result in being more susceptible to muscle strains and back pain. By undertaking regular sessions, Pilates techniques can improve the body's posture and balance, including stability and flexibility. As the body's muscle core is built up, the man will soon benefit from greater strength and endurance which will assist not just in everyday activities but also when playing sport. 内容来自dedecms

Pilates for men can be adopted irrespective of the age of the man. What a young fit man is looking to improve upon will be different to someone of older age who uses Pilates as a means to regain what time has started to take away. As an example, a young man may have worked out at the gym for a period of time and developed an impressive muscle form yet he has found that whilst he has gained strength and endurance, he feels the problem of a lack of flexibility is preventing him from attaining greater success in a certain sport. Pilates will undoubtedly offer a solution to this and, in addition, will build the strength of the body's muscle core ensuring that the standing posture is correct and when physical strength is required, it is being channelled correctly.

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In complete contrast, an older man may want to try and regain some degree of the flexibility and strength of his younger years. Exercises which include stretching will increase both flexibility and mobility which will of course strengthen the core muscles, ensuring a better posture and reducing the chances of the back being susceptible to pain. The older man may also have lost weight and wishes to now take action to loose the excess fat that is still around their midriff. Pilates will again offer a solution using gentle forms of exercise to tone the stomach and abdominal muscles to eliminate the last evidence of the former belly.

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Unfortunately there is still the prevailing misconception that Pilates for men is just not right. Yet with the benefits that it offers for men of all ages by adopting exercises that are not vigorous and energy sapping, more men will see the advantages and take action to learn through easy step by step instruction to gain the benefits that have been too long the preserve of women only.