Having trouble losing that excess body fat? Or have you lost some of that fat weight but can't seem to lose anymore? or is it after losing that excess fat your problem is how to keep it off. There are two main reasons after losing weight that you tend to regain the weight. Nutrition and Your Exercise program.
In this article we are going to talk about your exercise program. Or what you should be doing to not only lose that excess body fat but to keep it off permanently.
Without a doubt the most efficient and effective workouts we have today for losing excess body fat is Interval training.
Instead of spending money and falling for all the infomercial hype and Oprah recomendations( there is a reason her weight goes up and down) and trying the next miracle exercise gadget or worthless pill that promise overnight results, save yourself some frustration and money and use a scientifically proven workout that get's permanent results.
If you once and for all are ready to get rid of that excess body fat and keep it off you should start using interval training. So how does interval training work?聽 interval training means taking an exercise as an example jumping rope after a good warm-up jump as fast as you can for say 1 minute then jup at half speed for 1 minute and repeat. What you do with interval training is vary your intensity levels. This is an example of one type of interval training in which your exercise intensity levels switch back and forth from slow to fast.
You can add interval training to many exercise routines like swimming, running, biking, elliptical, to name just a few. Whatever exercise you use can be interval training as long as you rotate the intensity levels from slow to intense. To make it interval training effective you have to make sure that when you are doing the high level intensity part of the training that you are really pushing yourself to the limit.
Working at these varied intensity levels with interval training really gives your metabolism a real kick. After a good interval training workout your bodies metabolism will continue to remain elevated even when your body is at rest long after your workout is over. Now you are doing some serious fat burning and can practically watch that excess body fat melt away. copyright dedecms
That is provided your nutrition doesn't revolve around Burger King and M %26 M's (the peanut one's are my favorite), when you combine interval training plus solid nutrition to your overall plan to lose that excess body fat, you are on your way to getting that six pack abs look. You know the lean muscle, trim, toned body you have dreamed about. Firm Butt, tight abs, slender thighs and more energy than you thought possible. 织梦好,好织梦
So if someone tries to tell you that the long marathon cardio workouts will get rid of that excess body fat tell them you have found a better way. Once you give interval training a try 3 workouts a week at 20 minutes a workout is all it takes.