Fat Burning Furnace - Interval Training the Best Fat Loss Workout? 织梦内容管理系统
How to Lose 26 Pounds in 7 Weeks!Many people believe that the best fat loss workout is cardio. This is not necessarily because they have done extensive research on the subject, but because all mainstream outlets push cardio in every major weight loss program. The fact of the matter is that cardio is not a long term solution for fat loss. Over time cardio workouts become less and less effective as your body adapts to the workouts.
The #1 best fat loss workout is without a doubt interval training. They last only 15 minutes in duration yet are intense, they get your heart pumping and work all of your body's major body muscles. With Interval Training, you can get the same results as a standard 90 minute cardio session in just 15 minutes!
Interval Training is ideal for people with time constraints and want to be able to squeeze in a quick workout at any time. A great thing about using Interval workout to lose fat is that you never get bored since the "pace" is never the same thorough the workout, instead you are changing your speed at specific times during the workout. This "fast-slow-fast-slow" technique as been proven to be 9 times more effective than cardio in dozens of Australian studies. copyright dedecms
The best place to go for beginning an Interval Training routine is with Rob Poulos' the "Fat Burning Furnace" website. Rob is a big advocate of Interval Training and has seen the amazing results they deliver to his now 10,000 clients. Instead of wasting of your time with cardio, use Interval Training, the best fat loss workout!