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Fat Burning Furnace - Learn About the Best Exercise to Lose
Source: 未知 Author: net Published date: 2009-09-05

Fat Burning Furnace - Learn About the Best Exercise to Lose Weight!



How to Lose 26 Pounds in 7 Weeks!

Looking for the best exercise to lose weight? Most likely you have at one point tried out cardio workouts as a way to lose fat. Most people find slow cardio to be too boring and takes up a lot of their time yet cardio is praised by many as the all in one fat loss solution, but is this really true? The fact of the matter is that cardio has been shown to strip the body of lean muscle mass. Having good muscle mass makes your body into a fat burning furnace but with too much of slow, long-duration cardio, you are destroying your metabolism in the process. This is why many people who go on cardio programs experience weight loss at the very beginning but slowly their results start to disappear and in some cases actually gain weight!聽

Another thing that not too many people know about is that your body like anything, will begin to adapt to your cardio workouts. Over time, you will start burning less and less calories even though you are spending the same hour on the treadmill! Many people will say "then do more cardio" but that is not the answer! Who really wants to be running on their treadmill for 3 hours let alone have the time to actually do this? 本文来自织梦

The best exercise to lose weight are called "short-burst" strength training workouts. They last only 15 minutes per session and you usually do them 2 or 3 times a week. That is a mere 30 or 45 minutes per week yet you still get better results than a 90 minute cardio session! These "short-burst" workouts also have another advantage in that they burn carbohydrates instead of calories which means your body will have a difficult time storing fat.

If you want to learn more about using short-burst exercises, take a quick look at Rob Poulos' the "Fat Burning Furnace" program. Thousand of people have tried out his short-burst sessions and have lost more than 25 pounds in just 7 weeks! If you are looking for only the best exercise to lose weight fast, short-burst exercises are the solution!
