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Fat Burning Furnace - The Best Exercises to Lose Weight Fast
Source: 未知 Author: net Published date: 2009-09-05

Fat Burning Furnace - The Best Exercises to Lose Weight Fast! copyright dedecms


How to Lose 26 Pounds in 7 Weeks!

Looking for the best exercises to lose weight? Most people who want to lose fat think cardio is the way to go. Almost every magazine and fitness "guru" pushes cardio as if it is the holy grail for weight loss. But in reality, if cardio was all that great, why is it that you have to do up to 90 minute sessions per day to see results? The truth is that "short-burst" strength training exercises have been proven to be more effective than cardio in all aspects.

Short-burst exercises last only 15 minutes in duration yet are very intense and give you at total body workout. They keep your metabolism running high for up to 3 days and make it harder for your body to store fat because they burn carbohydrates instead of calories. Did you know that cardio exercises become less effective the more you do them? Your body adapts to the workouts the more you do them and become less effective over time. That's right, while your 1st cardio workout could have burned 500 calories, by the time your 5th session comes around, you could just burn 100 calories! It is horrible to imagine that you could be spending up to 90 minutes on the treadmill, just to burn a measly 100 calories! dedecms.com

Think of it this way: If you were forced to run 10 miles per day you would find it hard to do at first. But if you ran those same 10 miles for a few weeks, what would happen? It would get easier! And this is the same way your body works, once it adapts to a physical movement, the difficulty subsides and the calories burned decline. This is why short-burst exercises are so great, they actually burn more calories the more you do them!

Want more information on the best exercises to lose weight? The best place to learn how to do these short-burst workouts is with the "Fat Burning Furnace" eBook by Rob Poulos. His eBook will show you everything you need to know about exercises that lose weight. More than 10,000 people used short burst exercise to lose weight and have lost more than 25 pounds in less than 7 weeks!
