If you're reading this you're probably doing it because you think that it might be easy or there is some kind of secret out there to lose a lot of weight in a short period of time. The mathematics behind weight loss are kind of funny in that it is very difficult to lose a large amount of weight in a short period of time. You see, the body is actually designed to make sure that it doesn't lose a lot of weight in a short period of time unless something very drastic is happening to it.
So, if what I'm saying to you is that if losing weight quickly is going to be something that the body is designed not to do. Then you have to ask yourself or what is the body designed to do? 内容来自dedecms
The body, it seems is designed to slowly and steadily change itself to meet its current situation. So, in the short-term, the body is not going to quickly burn off its excess fat reserves because it might think that it needs it. When over time with a less drastic diet restriction, those fat reserves will be slowly but surely destroyed. 织梦好,好织梦
Yet, if you go on a crash diet, what the body will do is take the opposite approach, where it might lose some weight in a short period of time. But when you start eating again, your body will work even harder to store fat cells. Thus, you wind up even heavier than you started. 内容来自dedecms
The biggest trick is to have a sensible diet that has a restricted calorie intake to something like a 400 or 500 calorie deficit Easter day. And then you combine that with a sensible workout program where you are working out the major muscle groups of your body such as your shoulders or arms or legs at the same time.
It might sound boring, but the combination of both diet and exercise is truly the key to the kind of weight loss that once it's gone it's gone for good. In the long run that's actually much faster weight loss anyways. copyright dedecms