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The HCG Shot is Becoming Obsolete
Source: 未知 Author: net Published date: 2009-09-05

For the past fifty five years people have turned to HCG shot for weight loss, but modern homeopathic extraction technology has made this method obsolete. Of course readers who are wealthy enough to visit clinics and pay inflated fees to get this shot will tell you that the HCG shot is a safe and effective method of losing fat and stabilizing metabolism quickly; I鈥檓 not refuting this. 内容来自dedecms

The fact is that the HCG shot for weight loss is no longer necessary to achieve the same results that made this hormone popular in the first place; the weight loss with the hormone in combination with a low calorie diet is about one to two pounds a day. Oral supplements have been shown to be just as effective and are available online without the expensive visit to clinics that virtually exist only to safely administer injections. 织梦好,好织梦

For those not familiar with the HCG weight loss protocol, it consists of two primary components. The first component is the slight increase of the HCG hormone levels that are found naturally in both women and men. The second component is a brief extremely low calorie diet. dedecms.com

In 1954, a British born endocrinologist Dr. A.T.W Simeons conducted studies where patients with disorders of the pituitary gland were given low dose injections of the Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin hormone (or HCG) in the hopes that this would affect loss of body fat rather than lean tissue in his metabolically challenged subjects. After the results showed a remarkable impact of this hormone, the diet was refined through further research and clinics began to appear throughout Europe and North America to offer this new program.

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No ethical doctor would recommend this program to people with less than 30-40 pounds of body fat to lose, because it specifically targets fat stores. This of course used to be more of an issue than now. Most people can come up with the 40 pounds of body fat, but not everyone can afford to go to a clinic to get the injections. Now as a result of the introduction of the HCG oral supplement, they no longer have to. 织梦内容管理系统

Why subject yourself to a shot that can make the injection spot tender? You can get the same amazing results with the oral method. The homeopathic version does not need to be refrigerated and is very easy to use compare with the HCG shot.
