HCG treatments are used for weight loss in two ways. The first way that it is used is through injections, and the second method is an oral homeopathic method.
Perhaps just as important as the dietary portion of the HCG diet is the use of the HCG hormone and paying attention to daily exercise. HCG used for weight loss has been proven both safe and effective for both men and women. ֯�κã���֯��
Essentially there are three main components to the HCG diet. When used in conjunction with each other, a formula for sustained weight loss is created.
The first main practice of the HCG diet is the actual dietary allowance. It is quite restrictive as it outlines consuming only 500 calories from a set list of food items. The food list consists primarily of vegetables, some fruits, lean meats and fish, and some simple grains. This very low calorie diet may seem nearly impossible to maintain for any amount of time, but it is. This dietary intake will be all the body needs when used with the next two components of the HCG method. ��������֯��
Exercise, or rather limiting the amount of exercise during the diet, is the second part of the program. With limited caloric intake will come the need to refrain from any extensive exercise. A little bit of exercise throughout the day is just fine, but not activity that will burn a large amount of calories. Minding the amount of exercise you get will let the diet and accompanying HCG supplements target and attack unwanted bodily fat.
The third critical part to the HCG method involves the usage of the HCG hormone. This hormone is naturally occurring in the body already, but has shown to benefit the HCG dieter in mildly elevated doses. For decades, HCG supplementation has been available to people struggling to keep excess weight off. When used along with a low caloric intake and limited exercise, the body will use its fat reserves that otherwise would remain trapped. Traditionally HCG hormone has been administered by means of a thin needle. Recently, however, a new homeopathic form has been introduced where oral drops are used. ֯�����ݹ���ϵͳ
These three practices used together are what make up the HCG method. Although demanding of the dieter, this diet only needs to be used for short time intervals of active weight loss. In between these sessions, the individual simply needs to watch what they eat and get regular exercise.