HCG kits online are an advertisement you see more and more. HCG kits online ads appear when doing a general search for weight loss protocols. A truly remarkable moment in dieting history occurred about 55 years ago and the world didn’t take much notice, but why should they? The so-called miracle cure for obesity was intended to be used by the wealthy: those that could afford weight loss clinics and professional assistance for the injections of the Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin hormone or HCG.
Now, thanks to homeopathic technology you can simply order HCG kits online as an oral supplement and follow the ultra low calorie diet as found just about anywhere on the web. copyright dedecms
When Dr. Simeons, a British endocrinologist, first conducted his breakthrough study, it was to test the effects of the hormone on patients suffering from pituitary gland disorders, conditions that cause among other things problems with metabolism.
He found that by introducing low doses of the HCG hormone, the patients were able to achieve weight loss on a low calorie diet; more importantly, they experienced loss of fat stores rather than the lean tissue and bone density that anyone can shed through caloric restrictive dieting. ��������֯��
This new method of weight loss became very popular in the higher classes, but now with the preferred method of administration being the oral supplements such as those found in the HCG kits online, it will be interesting to see the effects it has on society at large. ��������֯��
It's definitely not a cure all, because it's only recommended for use in periods of less than a month. The hormone has no known side effects and is cleared by the FDA for consumption, but the low dosage coupled with that fact that it's naturally occurring in both women and men makes it easy for the body to build tolerance and make the hormone ineffective.
The protocol promises one to two pounds of weight loss per day. After a period of time the process can be repeated, but at first pass the dieter should lose around 30 pounds or so. I would assume that if the protocol performed as promised one would be fairly eager to repeat, but the 500 calorie a day companion diet is a tough one. copyright dedecms
For some, I’m sure they are tired of waiting for the easy way to lose 30 pounds comes along, and I am told that the brutality of the diet fades noticeably after the first week, but this is certainly an extreme diet for people who truly need to lose weight. ֯�����ݹ���ϵͳ