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Is the Internet the Best Place Buy HCG?
Source: δ֪ Author: net Published date: 2009-09-05

The HCG diet has come a long way since the 1970s and '80s, especially since the only product that you could get was from a doctor's prescription in an injection form. Nowadays, it is possible to buy HCG from the internet as well as other health stores. So, is the internet the best place buy HCG, or should you still get the prescription from your doctor? ֯�����ݹ���ϵͳ

The best place buy HCG is going to depend on the individual person, but buying from the internet has its definite advantages. The HCG that is available online is called homeopathic HCG and usually comes in an oral form that is administered with a dropper. The HCG is mixed with alcohol so that it is completely safe to be shipped across the country and does not have to be refrigerated like normal HCG does. One of the advantages of homeopathic HCG is that no needles are needed to take the doses of the hormone. Instead of having to inject the hormone into your body with a syringe, you simple place the desired amounts of drops under your tongue and they are absorbed into your body. For anybody who hates needles or could not imagine having to stick a needle into their own body, the internet is the best place buy HCG.


Another advantage of the homeopathic HCG that can be bought online is that it costs much less than what a prescription would.  Health insurance plans do not cover the cost of HCG because it is not approved by the FDA for weight loss. You end up paying out of pocket for the full price. If you compare prices of the prescription form of HCG and the one that can be bought over the internet, you can save a ton of money buying it online. Best of all, the homeopathic HCG has proven to be just as effective as the injection form.


The best place buy HCG from really depends on what the person wants to get out of the diet. If they have a doctor that they want to work with that uses the HCG diet, then they may be better off with the prescription from the doctor. On the other hand, if you can't find a doctor in your area that does the HCG diet or you want to do it by yourself and not under complete medical care, then buying it from the internet may be the best option.

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