When you are in a busy lifestyle or maybe traveling and find it hard to workout, an alternative to keeping fit may be isometrics. You do not need any special tools or equipment and isometics can be done at almost anytime. 织梦好,好织梦
If you can not find time to get to the gym, you can do isometrics at anytime including at your office, driving in your car or even in a hotel room. You just need to be able to do a few seconds here and there during the day or spend 10 minutes or so to do your workout all at one shot. 本文来自织梦
If you can do a few seconds every so often during the day, that amount of time may help keep you going until you can get back to the gym. You can be sitting at your desk at work and push against the desk top for tension in the chest or pull up on the chair seat while sitting to target the shoulders and upper back. 织梦好,好织梦
While driving you can do isometrics while stopped at a red light. Just push your hands together in front of you for your chest or push your hands together in an up and down motion for the biceps and triceps. 本文来自织梦
While seated at your desk place your feet side by side and push them together for a leg exercise, you will feel it on the inside of your legs. Cross your ankles and push your feet up and down against each other, this will target the front and back of your legs. 内容来自dedecms
As busy as you could be there is always a few seconds to take to get in an isometric exercise. It is good to do something for your muscles during those time you can鈥檛 do your regular workout.