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Add Some Difficulty to your Pull Ups
Source: 未知 Author: net Published date: 2009-09-05

Beyond just doing standard pull ups or chin ups, some people try other creative ways to make use of this exercise. If you are already able to do pull ups without too much difficulty, why not try some other challenging techniques to help push up your strength level. Maybe you have tried some of what I have listed here or maybe its all new, give them a try. copyright dedecms

1. You can take two towels, one for each hand, and lay them over the bar. Hold the ends of the towels in each hand and pull yourself up for reps. This will really bring your grip into play when you do this. 织梦好,好织梦

2. Take two soft balls and insert a screw hook into each. With a short piece of chain for each, drape the chain over the bar and loop the links into the hook in each ball. Grasp the soft balls in each hand and pull yourself up. This is another great one for getting your grip strength involved with the pull up. 织梦内容管理系统

3. Add some weight to your body by using one of those belts you can hang weights on. Try a weighted vest or a backpack with something heavy in it. Or hold a dumbbell between your feet or knees.


4. Have you tried rafter pull ups with a pinch grip. This one takes some time to work up to because it involves being able to do pull ups, having a strong grip and getting the chest into it also. You hold onto a rafter with each hand in a pinch grip, your hands are not wrapped around a bar. You need to kind of squeeze inward with your arms and chest at the same time you pull. Its difficult but people can do it. 本文来自织梦
