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Cheating On Your Pull Ups Is OK
Source: 未知 Author: net Published date: 2009-09-05

Pull ups or chin ups are a difficult exercise to do, so much so that many people just will not do them. For you folks that will take advantage of this great exercise, do you use correct form? What is right way or correct form to do pull ups?


In my opinion any way you can pull yourself up till your chin clears the bar is good. Not everyone is strong enough to do perfect pull ups but at least try. A perfect pull up or chin up is pulling yourself up without using the hips or legs for assistance and the chin clearing the bar. Sounds easy but it can be a lot of work for many people.


I think there is no problem cheating on your pull ups until you get strong enough to do them with good form. By cheating I mean using a kipping motion to help propel you up, standing on a chair and lowering yourself down from the top or getting a jumping start to pull yourself up. 织梦好,好织梦

If you can only do a few pull ups the correct way, go ahead and try to squeeze out some more using your lower body for momentum, you may only get 1 or 2 more but it鈥檚 at least a start. You could have someone stand behind you to push you up past a sticking point then lower yourself down. Any method you can think of to help you pull yourself up to the bar is fair game. dedecms.com

Of course you want to try to do pull ups the correct way at every opportunity, this way you can at least check your progress. Keep trying and you will get stronger and while pull ups are never easy you will be able to do them better. copyright dedecms
