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3 Sneaky Little Tricks That Can Help You Lift Heavier Weight
Source: δ֪ Author: net Published date: 2009-09-05

When it comes to building muscle it is important that you are lifting to your full potential every time you hit the gym. Those mediocre days are not going to cut it and can slow down your muscle growing process. Whether you are having a bad day or are tired from staying up too late, these three sneaky little tricks can help you get the most out of each and every visit to the gym. ֯�����ݹ���ϵͳ

Sneaky Trick #1: Power Up Just Before Your Workout

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When you need to lift heavy you need lots of energy. Pushing big weights can drain you quickly if you don't have a good supply of energy in your body. That means lots of carbs. Not just any carbs though, you need both simple sugars and protein. The simple sugars are for quick and immediate energy. These are the carbs your body will use right away. The protein is the longer lasting energy that your body will need closer to the end of your workout when the simple sugars have been digested. A great way to get these types of carbs for your workout is to drink a protein shake just before you go to the gym. If you don't drink protein shakes, try a drinking a glass of milk and then maybe sipping a sport drink during your workout. It doesn't matter how you get it, just make sure you get it just before your workout and/or during your workout. dedecms.com

Sneaky Trick #2: Find a Buddy copyright dedecms

Now, this may seem rather simple and obvious, but it can make a bid difference in your workout. Finding a workout partner can help you get the next level quicker and safer. If you don't have a workout partner consider asking a friend to start working out with you or try meeting people at the gym who have similar goals. Your "buddy" can encourage you when you are ready to give up. They can motivate you push harder or do one more rep. This can be huge for gaining muscle. Not only that, but you can lift heavier weights because there is someone there to spot you and to make sure you don't get hurt.


Sneaky Trick #3: Up Your Safety ��������dedecms

Safety? I know what you're thinking. What does safety have to do with helping me lift heavy weights? Well, a lot more than you might think. Of course you want to be safe when lifting heavy weights. You would be silly not to be. However, ask yourself this: "How much more could I do if I knew that getting hurt was almost impossible?" Probably a lot more, right? Now, I'm not talking about using machines. While using machines have their place, I don't recommend leaving out free weight exercises because of the muscle gaining power they have. I'm talking about getting set up using free weights in such a way that you take most of the risk out of the exercises. This, of course, will take some creativity on your part depending on the exercises you are doing.


Let me give you an example. When I get set up for doing bench presses I use the squat rack instead of the traditional bench. I pull up a flat bench to the middle of the squat rack. Since the squat rack has adjustable pegs and safety bars I can lower or raise them for the bench press. The pegs are lowered enough so that I can pick up the loaded barbell easily while lying flat on the bench. The safety bars are raised to a point just above my chest, preferably no more than 2 inches above my chest (there is usually not much room to play with). This way I won't get crushed by the barbell if I can't push it back up. Adding in safety features not only allows me to lift heavier weights without the fear of getting crushed, but allows me to lift heavier weights even without a spotter and still get the benefits of using free weights. (On a side note, make sure whatever safety feature you set up is able to carry the load you plan on using before you use it.)

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So there you have it. Three sneaky little tricks that can help you lift to your full potential every time you step foot in the gym. By implementing these you will be able to get the most out of your workouts and get maximum muscle gains.
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