How does one ensure that the water in a Jacuzzi style hot tub is kept fresh and inviting? 织梦好,好织梦
The key has to be regular water Maintenance in order to keep the water crystal clear. copyright dedecms
There are some basic steps that you need to do to on a routine basis. One of them is just to simply carry out a routine test on the sanitizer levels. 本文来自织梦
You can buy various test kits including simple test strips in order to be able to do this.
Test strips are very inexpensive and easily available but one has to ensure that you use the correct one for the appropriate chemical that you are using. 内容来自dedecms
By testing the water which is very straightforward you will be able to see the level of the bromine or chlorine depending of course on which sanitizer that you are using. My choice is to use bromine as a sanitizer for one key reason. copyright dedecms
The key reason for me is simply that the water used in Hot Tubs is kept at a far hotter temperature than that of Swimming Pools. Chlorine is fine for Swimming Pools but does quickly loses its effectiveness at the higher temperature that Hot Tubs operate at. 本文来自织梦
Obviously one has to use the correct test strips you cannot for example use Bromine strips to check Chlorine or Chlorine strips to check Bromine.
You can also use more natural products such as Aqua Finesse a more natural water based additive where you add a cup full on a weekly basis but you will need to use some sanitizer for the plumbing and pipes like bromine. How ever you are able to use a smaller amount so the actual chemical use is reduced which is very popular for ethical reasons.
In my view there is no such thing as a completely free chemical system but Aqua Finesse is completely different water maintenance system to either chlorine or bromine. Aqua finesse provides clear, clean and odour free water. It requires one cupful per week.
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It also helps to soften the water in the hot tub by reducing the build up of scale calcium in the Hot Tub.
In this way not only can it make it easier to maintain water quality and thereby makes things easier in that regard, it also helps to prolong extends the lifetime of your hot tub many times longer than with the use of traditional sanitizers!
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This is a patented water care solution that will allow end users to relax in their hot tubs with the minimal effects of chemicals. Everything that one needs to enjoy clean, soft, crystal clear water including some bromine is in one convenient carrying case. This removes the guesswork from the Maintenance of Jacuzzi water in one easy step per week! 内容来自dedecms
This way you and your family and friends will be able to enjoy a soak in the most luxurious water without the time and hassle of measuring multiple chemicals. You simply add a cupful of the solution once a week as directed and that is all you have to do. There is no more requirement in having to balance pH levels or adjusting alkalinity.
It reduces and eliminates, slimy surfaces, tide mark water lines and foaming problems When you use Aqua Finesse you will appreciate the softness and that light lavender scent of the water. Unlike many sanitizing systems this method does not irritate your skin or eyes.
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This article in one in series on Jacuzzi style Hot Tub maintenance. It is not designed or intended to be exhaustive but to cover a few points of interest.