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Pull-Up Training Routines
Source: 未知 Author: net Published date: 2009-09-05

There are a lot of people out there that want to do pull-ups but just can seem to be able to do them or can only do a few. Yes, many people want to do them but feel like its too hard and don鈥檛 want to bother with them, or think they will never be able to do them. After doing some pull-up training any one should be able to do them and obviously some will do better than others. copyright dedecms

Some people may find it easier to do chin-ups instead of pull-ups or the other way around. Chin-ups would be with your palms facing you on the bar. Chin-ups will target your biceps along with your back. Find which is easier for you to do and start with that. 织梦好,好织梦

The best way to learn pull-ups is simply to do them. If you can only do one, do it then come back in 5 to 10 minutes and do another and on and on, you will eventually get to where you can do 2 at one time then 3. Do not do them everyday, give your muscles time to recuperate and get stronger. dedecms.com

Another way to get stronger at pull-ups is to do negatives. With negatives you start already up on the bar from standing on a chair or stool. You then slowly lower yourself down till your arms are extended. Another way to do these is to grasp the bar and jump up pulling with your arms. You would then slowly lower yourself down.

