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Strip That Fat - Reduce Body Fat by 14 Pounds in 2 Weeks!
Source: 未知 Author: net Published date: 2009-09-05

Strip That Fat - Reduce Body Fat by 14 Pounds in 2 Weeks! copyright dedecms

copyright dedecms

Lose 14 Pounds in 14 Days without Starving

Losing weight today when there are so many options available can easily become stressful and confusing. There are however, some "red flags" that you can watch out for to make the process much easier. Here are some diets that have been found to not work and that you should avoid at all costs.

Box Foods:
You've probably seen those commercials on TV that endorse those "boxed diet" foods that are delivered to your house? Well first off, eating over processed foods is the worst thing you could do for your overall health, not just your waistline. Processed foods contain unnecessary chemicals, preservatives, sugar, salt etc. Another thing to keep in mind is the amount of money you will be spending on these boxed foods. The vegetables and fruits are often not included which means you'll be spending even more money. And lastly, in order to keep your results, you'll have to eat only their food for the rest of your life! That's crazy!

Starvation Diet:


People who are in desperate situations often opt to not eat at all. While they will get good results at first, the truth is that starving yourself will eventually wreck your metabolism and if you even eat a little bit, the weight will come back insanely fast. After prolonged starvation, expect to have a harder time losing weight again in the future since your metabolism will be in shambles!

Hollywood Fad Diets:
Most Hollywood diets typically involve eating only from one particular food group, leaving your imbalanced from vital nutrients. People fail to realize that celebrities have completely different priorities than we do. They get paid millions of dollars to starve themselves and stay looking perfect at all times. We live in the real world which means we need real food!

If you are looking for a long term solution that actually works for regular people, check out the "Strip That Fat" weight loss system. Strip That Fat has quickly become one of the most popular weight loss programs online for it's fast results, on average people will lose 14 pounds in 2 weeks and no, you won't have to starve! The reason people are able to get such great results is due to the systems custom diet generator tool that custom makes a diet according to your favorite foods. Strip That Fat also uses a calorie manipulation technique that tricks your body into burning more calories per day.


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