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Strip That Fat - Using Calorie Manipulation for Weight Loss!
Source: δ֪ Author: net Published date: 2009-09-05

Strip That Fat - Using Calorie Manipulation for Weight Loss! ֯�����ݹ���ϵͳ


Lose 14 Pounds in 14 Days without Starving

Strip That Fat has quickly become one of the most popular weight loss systems online. The reason it has gotten so much attention is two fold: people are getting fast results, and they are getting it without overly restricting their diets! On average, people who go on the Strip That Fat system lose 1 pound per day. Instead of doing what all diets do which is overly restrict causing the regaining of weight, Strip That Fat uses a calorie manipulation techinque that is proven to be easier and more effective. Strip That Fat is centered around a custom diet tool that automatically comes up with a custom meal plan just for you. All you do is put in your favorite foods and you can make thousands of different combinations.

Strip That Fat promotes a balanced eating system that will actually require you to eat 30% more than the average diet. This is done by choosing the correct combination of foods in order to use calorie manipulation. Custom diet plans are made with it's diet generator tool where you put in your favorite foods to be included in the meal plans. Being able to do this will give people more freedom and legroom with their diet and is flexible enough that they can eat out each weekend without worries. The Strip That Fat system's main focus is on diet but it still does have effective workouts that will speed up your results. The workouts are not 90 minutes long like most programs but are what are known as "short burst" workouts that are short yet intensive. You can get the same results as if you were at the gym for hours but at a fraction of the time. Theses types of exercises can burn fat up to 24 hours after each session and burn primarily carbohydrates, this makes it harder for your body to store fat! ��������֯��

What kind of information will your learn?

-Why eating fat can accelerate your weight loss
-Exactly why your last diet didn't work
-What foods to eat and when for the fastest weight loss


Click Here to Visit Strip That Fat