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Strip That Fat - How to Use Calorie Manipulation and Lose Fa
Source: 未知 Author: net Published date: 2009-09-05

Strip That Fat - How to Use Calorie Manipulation and Lose Fat Fast! 本文来自织梦


Lose 14 Pounds in 14 Days without Starving

Strip That Fat is a new and revolutionary dieting system that will cause fast weight loss without restricting your diet to only low carbohydrate or low fat foods. Strip That Fat instead focuses on a new dieting method called "calorie manipulation" that has been proven to be more effective than mainstream diets. Strip That Fat is centered around a custom diet tool that automatically comes up with a custom meal plan just for you. All you do is put in your favorite foods and you can make thousands of different combinations.

With the Strip That Fat program, you actually get to lose more by eating more. How is this possible? Again the calorie manipulation is the core of the program along with other dieting secrets that are not widely known. The program does also include some short workout sessions but it focuses primarily on diet because it accounts for 80% of your weight loss success. The exercises that the Strip That Fat system incorporates are called "short burst" exercises, which are not very long in duration, but are intense. Theses types of exercises can burn fat up to 24 hours after each session and burn primarily carbohydrates, making it harder for your body to store fat in the future! dedecms.com

Just some of the secrets you will learn with the program: 织梦好,好织梦

-What fats you should eat for faster weight loss
-Why your last diet didn't work and how to avoid them
-What times of day you should eat for the fastest weight loss possible


Click Here to Visit Strip That Fat