Strip That Fat - How to Lose 14 Pounds without Starving!
Lose 14 Pounds in 14 Days without StarvingIt's easy to become overwhelmed nowadays in an effort to lose weight because of the large amount of options available. From "magic" diet pills to extreme "soup" diets, the possibilities are endless. One thing is for sure though, not all of them are equally effective or safe. Some ban entire foods groups like the atkins diet, while are strict on calorie intake. Even though there are a lot of "bad" diets, if you do a little research, you can find one that actually works! One of the best diets online right now is the "Strip That Fat" weight loss program.
The Strip That Fat program features a meal generator tool where you can put in all of your favorite foods, and it will custom make a diet plan that you can enjoy! This is only one part of the Strip That Fat system though, the real fat loss comes in the calorie manipulation which is done by timing your meals so that your metabolism burns more calories. The thousands of people who have tried the Strip That Fat diet, have lost about 14 pounds in 14 days, that's a pound a day without going below the daily recommended calorie intake! This is done through calorie manipulation or "calorie shifting" that has been proven to be more effective than regular dieting. The Strip That Fat diet is great for those who don't like to eat tiny amounts of food and want to still enjoy life while dieting!
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