Strip That Fat - A Realistic Diet for Regular People! copyright dedecms
Lose 14 Pounds in 14 Days without StarvingLosing weight nowadays with so many diets available easily becomes stressful. From low fat, to low carb to low calorie diets floating left and right, it's hard choosing which one to go on! What you can do however, is be able to single out "red flags" to watch out for. Two main things to watch out for is for diets that ban entire food groups for example: the atkins or low carb diets. This is dangerous because we need a total balance of nutrients, and completely eliminating a food group is dangerous to your health. Another thing to look out for is any diet that forces you to go below your daily recommended calorie intake. For women it is about 1200 and for men it is about 1600. Even though you will lose rapidly at first, eventually you will destroy your metabolism and make it harder to lose weight in the future.
One weight loss program that has become very popular in the past few months is the "Strip That Fat" program. Thousands of people are flocking to it because it delivers fast weight loss results, on average 1 pound per day, all without having to overly restrict your diet. The reason people are able to get such fast results is simply because it uses calorie manipulation as it's main strategy. Calorie manipulation involves tricking your metabolism into burning more calories by alternating your daily calorie intake. You won't necessarily be eating less, it's just the calories that will be taken in at the right times to be able to successfully manipulate the metabolism. This is a great diet for those who really don't want to be stuck eating salads all day and are looking for a more modern diet that relies on only the most recent research available.
Just a bit of what you will learn with Srip That Fat:
-How to use proper portion control and still feel full
-The only 4 rules that truly deliver long term weight loss
-How to teach your body to burn more calories daily copyright dedecms