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Treating Compulsive Skin Picking
Source: δ֪ Author: net Published date: 2009-09-05

Dermotillomania, or Compulsive Skin Picking (CSP) can affect anyone at any time. It is a condition that can seriously affect the individual's personal and working life. copyright dedecms

What may start as an apparently innocent behaviour - an attempt to deal with minor irregularities and skin imperfections - can rapidly transform itself into a compulsion that leaves the person feeling confused and powerless. ��������dedecms

The individual who consistently picks at his or her skin can spend long periods engaged in this activity and this can have a truly negative impact on their work and social relationships.

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In severe instances, this often poorly understood condition can result in severe skin damage leading to actual disfigurement.


Most often, the individual experiencing this compulsive behaviour repeatedly picks, rubs, scratches or digs their nails into the skin. Quite often this condition can be triggered by stress and unresolved emotional difficulties such as anxiety, grief or simple boredom.


These days Compulsive Skin Picking is classified as one of the Body Focused Repetitive Behaviours (BFRBs). Other conditions that belong to this particular group include compulsive hair pulling and chronic nail biting. ֯�κã���֯��

It is important that anyone engaging in compulsive skin picking consult a medical doctor so that any possible medical condition can be eliminated.


This is necessary in order to make sure that the skin picking activity is a seperate issue and not a symptom of some other more serious underlying disorder such as an autoimmune or developmental problem. copyright dedecms

Many people find that they begin to pick at their skin during a stressful period in their lives.


The individual learns, through repetion, that by picking at the skin they can exercise some degree of control or at least distract themself from the underlying difficult feelings and emotions. And so the skin picking becomes a habit. ��������dedecms

Still others may have begun picking their skin following some form of skin injury or disease. As the wound or injury to the skin begins the process of healing, a scab forms which can often feel quite itchy. This may cause the person to pick or scratch, and this in turn prevents the wound from completely healing. And this leads to even more itching and picking as more scabbing takes place.


The medical response to chronic skin picking, dermotillomania, is often to prescribe one of the Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) such as Prozac. Though this approach has had a degree of success, it works only on the symptoms. It does absolutely nothing about the underlying causes or drivers. ��������dedecms

Other approaches include CBT or Habit Reversal Training (HRT) which aims to identify possible triggers and to then teach the individual coping strategies. This approach has also had some success, but again, it focuses on managing the actual symptoms, rather than dealing with the real underlying drivers and cause.


In the opinion of this therapist, a more effective approach is to uncover the actual causes and drivers of the skin picking through the use of advanced and skillfully applied hypnotherapy techniques and strategies.


The dermotillomania is being driven by subconscius urges, so it is to the subconscious mind itself that we need to turn if we are to bring about a solution to this harming behaviour. ��������dedecms

Once the underlying reasons and drivers for the dermotillomania have been uncovered, the subconscious mind can be helped to 're-programme' itself and the skin picking simply becomes extinct or replaced with a more helpful anxiety or stress release strategy. ��������dedecms

If you suffer from Compulsive Skin Picking (CSP), or dermotillomania, and you genuinely do want to stop skin picking, then help is available.


With the effective application of advanced hypnotherapy you can put an end to CSP and regain control of your life.
