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How to Lose 25 Pounds in 49 Days by Working Smarter Not Hard
Source: 未知 Author: net Published date: 2009-09-05

How to Lose 25 Pounds in 49 Days by Working Smarter Not Harder!

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How to Lose 26 Pounds in 7 Weeks

When it comes to weight loss, some people lose the weight easily while others who do spend the same amount of time at the gym have a difficult time. Why is this? It is simply because some people are using outdated exercising methods like long duration cardio while the other group is using more advanced short-burst exercise methods. Countless of studies have shown that short burst exercises outdo cardio time and time again. Your choice in workouts can mean the difference between losing weight and just wasting your time.

If you want to learn about short-burst exercises, the best place to do it is with Rob Poulo's "The Fat Burning Furnace" program. Here is the core of the program and how people are losing 26 pounds in just 7 weeks:

The Diet:
All low carb, low fat and low calorie diets should be considered "short term" diets because they are simply too difficult to follow in the long term. For example, people claim they lose pounds within the first few days on the atkins diet but guess what, that isn't fat they are losing, it is water weight! Restricting your carbohydrates causes your body to dehydrate and lose pounds over water over time. It is unhealthy and is not the solution for weight loss. One of the best ways of losing weight through your diet is by using calorie shifting. It is a method of manipulating your metabolism by alternating your calories on a daily basis.

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The Workouts:
With the Fat Burning Furnace you won't have to kill yourself doing useless exercises. Instead you are only required to exercise 45 minutes a week. Short burst exercise sessions last only 15 minutes at a time. Each session is very intense but you will get the same results as if you were doing the treadmill for 2 hours. This is great for those who have busy schedules and want more flexibility! 织梦内容管理系统

Click Here to Visit The Fat Burning Furnace