Work Smarter Not Harder and Lose 26 Pounds in 7 Weeks!
People always wonder why some people find it easy to lose weight while others who spend the same amount of time at the gym see little to no results. The answer is simply that one group is using outdated, inefficient workouts like cardio while the other groups is using modern and highly efficient workouts like short burst exercises. This can make or break your weight loss success so it is imperative that you are doing workouts that are not a waste of your time!
The best place to learn about short burst workouts is with Rob Poulo's "The Fat Burning Furnace" program, here is what it's about.
Diet - Calorie Shifting: The #1 Most Effective Dieting Method
All low carb, low fat and low calorie diets should be considered "short term" diets because they are simply too difficult to follow in the long term. For example, people claim they lose pounds within the first few days on the atkins diet but guess what, that isn't fat they are losing, it is water weight! Restricting your carbohydrates causes your body to dehydrate and lose pounds over water over time. It is unhealthy and is not the solution for weight loss. One of the best ways of losing weight through your diet is by using calorie shifting. It is a method of manipulating your metabolism by alternating your calories on a daily basis. Instead of eating a consistent amount of calories on a daily basis for example 1500 calories, you would eat 2000 one day and 1500 the next. The Fat Burning explains in details how to properly do calorie shifting. 织梦好,好织梦
Exercise - Short Burst Exercises: The Fastest and Most Efficient Exercises
The Fat Burning Furnace puts more importance on the quality of the workout instead of how long the workout is, quality over quantity. Short burst workouts are short in duration, they last just 20 minutes and are done just 2 or 3 times a week depending on your schedule. Despite being short in duration, they are very intense, giving you the same results as if you were stuck in the gym for 2 hours! Short burst exercises target your entire body's muscles so that you get a total workout in half the time.
The Fat Burning Furnace program was designed for regular people who want to get in shape without investing too much time. Everyone today has hectic schedules, so being able to squeeze in a quick workout and not having to spend your day counting carbs is a big plus for many. Speeding up the weight loss process also keeps your motivation up because you can clearly see your results progress. Thousands of people have joined the Fat Burning Furnace and have lost more than 25 pounds in just 49 days! 内容来自dedecms