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There is No Need to Starve Yourself on The Fat Burning Furna
Source: 未知 Author: net Published date: 2009-09-05

There is No Need to Starve Yourself on The Fat Burning Furnace Diet! 内容来自dedecms


How to Lose 26 Pounds in 7 Weeks

Have you heard about the Fat Burning Furnace diet? It has become very popular in recent months for it's fast results yet doesn't involve starving yourself or killing yourself at the gym! The truth is that most mainstream diet and exercise programs are outdated, they rely on the same information that has been circulating for the past 10 or more years. There is no need to do hours of cardio anymore and likewise there is no need to eat celery sticks for the rest of your life either if you just follow the newer and more advanced techniques that are available.

Two of the most important and effective ways to lose weight today are through calorie shifting and short burst exercises. Never heard of them? Well calorie shifting is just a proven way of manipulating your metabolism into burning more calories. Many people don't know that the human body was not designed to take in the same amount of calories on a daily basis but instead was made to go for a day or two with very low calories. Calorie shifting just alternates your daily calorie intake so that it is never consistent. This will trick your body into burning more calories, all while you enjoy all of your favorite foods!


Short burst exercises are really the opposite of long-duration cardio workouts. Instead of the sessions being 90 minutes long, they are just 15 minutes in duration. The way to counter this though is to make them very intense, that way you get the same results of a 90 minute workout in just 15 minutes! This is great news for those with a busy schedule and are looking to be able to squeeze in an effective workout. Over 10,000 people have tried the diet and have lost on average 26 pounds in just 7 weeks! 织梦好,好织梦

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